Federal Contractors / FCP Employers

The Federal Contractors Program

Federal contractors enter into a contract compliance relationship with the government of Canada in which their continued contractual relationship is conditional on ongoing compliance with the FCP’s four Compliance Requirements and their assessment factors.

What makes the FCP compliance unique is that ESDC established the system of compliance assessment reporting. ESDC holds employers accountable for making reasonable progress and for demonstrating reasonable efforts to achieve the full representation of the designated groups in their workforce.

One year after the award of the contract, a new federal contractor submits its initial or First Year Compliance Assessment.  This includes documentary evidence to verify that the contractor has established the requisite employment equity infrastructure, a reliable employment equity database and its 3-year short term numerical goals and its long-term goals, all in compliance with the ESDC compliance criteria.

Every three years thereafter, the contractor submits its Subsequent Compliance Assessment to report on the progress it has made in achieving its short-term numerical goals. Progress is measured against the performance standards established in ESDC’s Compliance Requirement No. 4 – Reasonable Progress and Reasonable Efforts. To be in compliance with the Reasonable Efforts compliance requirement, the contractor must meet its short-term goals by 80 percent or more. If not, the contractor must demonstrate that reasonable efforts to meet its goals were made.

Non-compliance?  You become an ineligible contractor and are prohibited from bidding on high value government of Canada contracts.

Compliance is an ongoing obligation even when the company has ceased to provide goods and services to the government of Canada.

Have questions? Want to get started? Request a no cost consultation today. We shall help you succeed.

FCP Compliance Requirements

ESDC has established these Compliance Requirements and Assessment Factors for FCP employers.

Requirement No. 1 – Self-Identification Survey | Collection of Workforce Information

Requirement No. 2 – The Workforce Analysis

Requirement No. 3 – Short– and Long-term Numeric Goals

Requirement No. 4 – Reasonable Progress and Reasonable Efforts

Visit [Services at Your Fingertips | Employment Equity Compliance Services]. There we describe our unique award-winning consulting style and list the key compliance activities EMC performs to deliver on our commitment to provide guaranteed employment equity compliance.

Helping Our Clients Succeed

EMC provides guaranteed compliance services. EMC is committed to the success of our clients. We work collaboratively and our team brings to each engagement our expertise, organizational know-how and commitment to excellence.

A key measure of success for FCP employers is their achieving reasonable progress and demonstrating reasonable efforts in meeting their numerical and qualitative employment equity goals.

The Mid-point Assessment: Mid-point of your 3-year accountability reporting cycle, EMC Consultants evaluate your organization’s performance against the ESDC’s Reasonable Progress and Reasonable Efforts compliance requirement and its assessment factors.

Continuing Consulting Support: In anticipation of the Subsequent Compliance Assessment submission due in 18 months, EMC recommends and supports mid-point performance improvement strategies.  In this way we help you to succeed.

Get Started Today!

If you are a FCP or LEEP employer we shall help you get started. Schedule a no-obligation initial consultation with Mr. Keith Jeffers and he will assess your compliance status, and advise how EMC will help you comply.